Covid Advocacy Groups

These groups have a common goal of stopping community transmission through continued focus on a few key measures, to help their communities reach zero.

Worldwide | Research-Aid Networks

Research-Aid Networks, facilitates collaborative and evidence-based approaches for assessing need, delivering aid, evaluating effectiveness and achieving long-term sustainable community development, worldwide.

NL | Containment Nu

Containment Nu is a grassroots action platform for the introduction of a containment strategy in the Netherlands to contain and stop the virus, instead of having it spread throughout the country.

EU | Europe, A Patient

Action groups with the aim to motivate EU leaders to fight the coronavirus crisis through bold and solidary economic action to protect European workers, small entrepreneurs and public healthcare. Europe, A Patient is a non-partisan initiative of citizens.

UK | Covid Action UK

A UK-based group campaigning for a Zero Covid strategy: It means eliminating the spread of infection between people in the UK and putting in place measures to prevent or quickly staunch any further imported cases.


Zero Covid: For a Solidary European Shutdown is based in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. We demand a common Zero Covid strategy in Europe: Vaccinations alone will not solve the crisis. Especially not as long as the strategy lies in an arbitrary limitation of leisure activities without a shutdown of industry and economy. Infections need to be limited all infections are traceable again. Leave no-one behind: we are convinced that the containment of the virus can only happen, if all measures are designed in a way that supports solidarity in our society.

USA | Make Good Together

Make Good Together empowers people to be leaders within their social circle to annihilate COVID-19. In being leaders within our social circle, we can normalize talking about difficult COVID-19 related safety situations and actions, express our own COVID boundaries, and be a role-model to the people closest to us. Our reach and influence is greater than we likely think. By making the MakeGoodTogether promise you are taking a first step in committing to be a leader to annihilate COVID-19.

UK | Zero Covid Scotland

Zero Covid Scotland is a campaign to eliminate the virus in Scotland. Informed by science, led by activists.

UK | Zero Covid Coalition

The Zero Covid Coalition is a broad campaign jointly convened by Diane Abbott MP and the Morning Star to oppose this government’s reckless policies and fight for a Zero Covid strategy.

LB | Zero Covid Lebanon

Zero Covid LB is dedicated to eliminating COVID-19 from Lebanon, by providing a collaboration umbrella for practitioners, scientists and professionals from various disciplines, backgrounds and institutions, and providing volunteers with a platform to actively counter COVID-19 at local and national levels.


ZeroCOVIDNY: People in NY following the science, asking the Governor and others to stop COVID in NYS now

DE |

a grassroots movement of voluntary and interdisciplinary members. We stand for a Green Zone strategy like that of and the #NoCovid initiative and is being used successfully in countries such as Australia and New Zealand. We explicitly do not see any trade-offs between health and the economy, because infection numbers close to zero protect both areas, and the Green Zone strategy massively reduces the effort required to maintain this status.

DE | Gruene Zonen

The "Grünen Zonen DE" alliance is a Germany-wide association of initiatives that are committed to the NoCovid strategy. Voluntary, from the middle of society, from all professional backgrounds and age groups. We campaign for short and effective actions against the Corona pandemic with a sustainable and local opening strategy. We have support from science, politics, culture and sports - they support us - we support them.

DK | Zero Covid Denmark

A campaign for a change of approach in covid handling in Denmark from mitigation to zero covid. This way, we can open up and keep society open.

CAN | Zero Covid Canada

We are a multidisciplinary group of concerned citizens who believe that our current approach to the pandemic only exacerbates the healthcare and economic crises and further robs Canadians of our social and economic freedoms. We believe that a new plan is needed.

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